Monthly / Column In.

  • 0 – 165 Inches / $7.80
  • 166 – 300 Inches / $7.30
  • 301 – 400 Inches / $6.75
  • 401 – 500 Inches / $6.25
  • 501 – 600 Inches / $6.00
  • 601 Inches & Over / $5.40
  • Non-Profit Rate – $6.00 *At editors discretion


  • Process Color: Additional $50
  • Process color (½ – ¾ pg): Additional $85
  • Full Page, Process Color: Additional $150
  • Black + 1 Color: Additional $30
  • Full Page Black + 1 Color: Additional $60

Pre-Printed Inserts

Pre-printed inserts may be delivered in all or in part of our circulation area.

  • 5¢ /per piece, hand delivered
  • 6¢ /single sheet through the mail
  • 7¢ / 2-4 pages through the mail
  • 8¢ / 6-8 pages through the mail
  • 9¢ / 10-12 pages through the mail
  • 10¢ / 14-18 pages through the mail
  • 11¢ / 20 – 24 pages through the mail
  • TBD for 26 pages & over

Website Banner Ads

$40 per week for one of five rotating images on our homepage. Call 712-338-2232 or email [email protected] for details!

Design Services

Available for projects outside LNS advertising (flyers, brochures, etc.). Call for details. Column width information available in FAQ section

Line Classified Rates

  • $15.00 for first 30 words
  • Each additional word: 10¢


[email protected]


Reaching an average of 47,200 impressions every week with the potential to reach 202,285 impressions in just one month