Print Reach

Web Views

Email Subscribers

Facebook Followers

50 Years of Advertising Experience

With that many years of experience, you’re purchasing more than just ad space. Our sales team – comprised of well-known members of the community with a passion for small business – will position your business to sell. They know that when you’re growing, we’re growing.

47,200 Impressions Averaged Weekly

Between our print circulation, email subscribers, web viewers, and Facebook readers, we reach an average of 47,200 weekly. With seasonal print increases from Memorial Day to Labor Day, we can reach 202,285 impressions in just one month.

Free Online Edition

Our website publishes the complete edition of The LNS every week. At no extra charge. Ever. This effectively makes your reach unlimited and unmatched in the area. Read The LNS on your tablet at home, at the beach, or aboard the Queen II.

Design Staff

Professional graphic designers are on hand to give your ad the look and feel that your brand requires. With an almost infinite number of ad possibilities, we’re sure there is an ad for your budget and audience.

People Choose Us

Since it’s free, your audience actually chooses to pick up and read your advertisements and local area news, events, and opportunities.

Free Delivery

Our 22,000+ postal mailings cover the entire Iowa Great Lakes region as well as the four surrounding counties. With over 3,000 additional papers distributed at key drop-points in commercial and residential areas, you can be assured that it will reach your target. The best part? It’s free.

Limitless Variety

From restaurants to concerts, drink specials to movies, and shopping to sports; whatever you need in the Lakes Area we’ve got it in The LNS. With so many unique businesses in the area, no two ads are alike – just like your customers.